Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Wordwall, Learning through Games!

During the process of peer teaching in term2, one of our group members used Wordwall to assist in teaching and I found it really interesting with lovely sound effect. So here's what I'd like to recommend this week - Wordwall!💞

The website link is here.👈


Wordwall is a platform for teachers to design new interactive activities. It can be used both in and out of the classroom. It focuses on using the form of games to help students review and recap the knowledge points they have already learned in an interactive way.

🔖How to use Wordwall? --- Please see the following video for details.


  • Making learning enjoyable

As mentioned before, Wordwall helps students to consolidate their memory of what they have learnt. This is a subconscious processes.
In addition, Wordwall also shows students a ranking after completing the game according to on the length of time consumed and the percentage of correct answers. Therefore, students who are more competitive may play many times just to get a better ranking. This increases students' autonomy and motivation to learn.
The cute sound effect in the games could also make students feel relaxed.

  • Easy to use and provide more options
There are 18 different templates available for teachers in Wordwall. Teachers can design activities and games on the basis of needs in the classroom.
Moreover, Wordwall is easy to use, as the slogan goes "The easy way to create your own teaching resources". There are only three steps to design an activity: Step 1, select a template; Step 2, add content to the template; Step 3, play on the screen.

  • Powerful community
The Wordwall community is a great place to see various topics designed by teachers from different countries around the world. Any activity design that has open access to the public can be used directly or adapted.


  • Cannot practice students' listening skills. 
Basically all the activity templates are based around reading skills, which is not too friendly for students at the novice level.

  • Cannot be used to learn new things. 
The functions are more geared towards assisting students to review knowledge, otherwise teachers would have to seek help from other tools.

  • Only 5 free games and activities can be designed per account.
If users want to dig more in Wordwall, they have to pay for it.

In conclusion, choosing Wordwall to design classroom activities can not only stimulate the interest of students, but also make the class more interactive, so as to improve students' classroom participation. Try it with me!😎

There is my example of Unjumble. If you have any interest, please click here.👻

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hongyang. I also remember the first time seeing Wordwall in our peer teaching. It looked amazing. I didn't know class quizzes could be that interesting! Additionally, I think more examples to show what Wordwall will look like when it is finished could be better for illustration.


Wordwall, Learning through Games!

During the process of peer teaching in term2, one of our group members used Wordwall to assist in teaching and I found it really interesting...